Auto Accidents

Whether it’s due to crowded roadways, speeding drivers, defective roads, drunk drivers or negligent drivers, if you’ve been in a car accident due to elements outside of your control you need, and deserve, compensation for the damages and injuries you may have incurred.

Now, more than ever, the streets and highways of California are crowded, which can contribute greatly to auto accidents. However, driver inattention (due to cell phones), driving at excessive speeds, and drunk driving also cause their share of accidents.

Additionally, sometimes the other driver is not even at fault. Defects in roadway designs and even excessively deferred road maintenance can cause unsafe driving conditions. Another hidden danger is the failure of a critical car part, such as the brakes or tires, because of a design or manufacturing defect.

Our attorneys recognize that injuries resulting from car accidents can be serious and life changing. Their team of experienced attorneys will discuss with you your rights and the options available to you to ensure your rights are preserved and that your needs are handled promptly and properly.

If you or a loved one has been injured in a motor vehicle accident, or if you have suffered the loss (wrongful death) of a family member due to an accident in California, from San Diego to Los Angeles to San Francisco, request a free consultation using the contact form on this page.

We welcome the opportunity to discuss your legal options and to handle your needs compassionately and appropriately.

Please remember that the law limits your right to recovery, so time is of the essence.